May 22, 2005

Unexpected events

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to construct well thought out music reviews as promised. Unexpected events occurred which made this impossible. Yes Mike, I am now in the category of Star Wars fan who has seen Episode III twice as well. Yes, it was worth it both times. The reasons are slightly different in each case. I have leave for New Orleans this afternoon so my updates may be sparse over the next week. The AGU conference committee made a mistake in holding a conference where they did. I have to present on Tuesday morning, but after the conference at 6pm, there may be an extended trip to the Tower Records walking distance from the hotel. (Just a guess given the list of music that comes available that day.)
On a couple of sports notes. Ezequiel Astacio should be in Round Rock immediately. However, all my fantasy players involved in the Rangers 18-3 shelling of the Astros had great days so why do I care? Oh no, look at what I've become... the fantasy sports dork I swore I'd never be.

Song Lyric of the Day
"Can't read this page
It was written down
Before you had eyes to see
Can't find my way
Somewhere between
Baton Rouge and New Orleans"
-- The Nixons "Baton Rouge"


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