May 09, 2005

Zero tolerance = zero thinking and the cost of storytelling (~$100k)

Like my last few posts, this may seem a bit disconnected. If it seems like too much of a stretch blame the lack of caffeine.

First, I'd like to visit another story about the joys of zero tolerance. On this rare occasion, I must be somewhat thankful for the national media attention of this story of a Georgia high school student. I speak of the ridiculous of Kevin Francois and the cell phone call from Iraq. Mr. Francois was initially suspended for 10 days after taking a cell phone call during his lunch break from his mother stationed in Iraq. Spencer High School felt it necessary to implement a zero-tolerance cell phone ban, although the school officials still contend that Francois was suspended for cursing and not for the phone call. In either case, the suspension was ridiculous and I am pleased that the national media coverage caused a reduction of the suspension to the 2 days already served. I understand that there have to be rules in the scholastic environment, but the mitigating circumstances shouuld be taken into account. In this particular case, we're talking about a phone call from a parent who is otherwise involved in a war. Last I checked, wars did not adjust to a schedule of when your child is at school. Also even if the suspension is for cursing, give the kid a break, he was in an awkward situation and he may have overreacted, but no harm was done. Note to high schools everywhere, there's a time and place for strict rules, this is not one of them.
I'll insert the song lyric of the day here because it's more related to the initial rant than the remaining filler.

"I just got my first letter since I've been here,
And I read it a hundred times since yesterday.
It was warm relief from this chilly cage of fear,
And it promised me that more were on the way."
Caroline's Spine -- "Soldier Song"

In a lighter, somewhat comical story from the sports world, the NBA's investigation of Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy's comments regarding NBA officials has reached a rather humorous conclusion this afternoon with the league stating that in a conversation with league officials Van Gundy all but admitted he made the entire story up. Van Gundy later released a statement claiming that the initial conversation did occur and he stands by his original comments. Which is it coach? Either you told the league you made it up to protect your future and your source or you were misinterpreted by the league office. Either way, I hope it was worth the 100 grand. It certainly didn't work for team motivation in game 7.


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