May 04, 2005

The joy of state government

Ok, I moved to Texas from the great state of Oklahoma, and I guess I was mistakenly under the impression that I left all the stupid state legislation on the other side of the river.

Fast-forward to today's afternoon newscast where in an interview Rep. Al Edwards of Houston was celebrating the passage of a build to put state-imposed decency standards on cheerleading routines. It not that I am opposed to decency, it's just there are so many more critical issues than the content of the cheer routines. Congratulations to Rep. Edwards for stepping forward on what he thought was a critical issue but his bill may qualify as an honorable mention on the list most random and useless legislation ever.

Wait, I'm from Oklahoma, where it was once proposed that we could reinstitute cockfighting under the condition that we put boxing gloves on the chickens. The cheerleading bill wouldn't make the most useless of this week. On a serious note can the elected officials of any state please take a look around their state and focus on issues that matter rather than legislating vague quasi-moral standards which will be unenforceable anyway. I know since they been elected they may think they're the perfect, chosen, few but they just the ones that didn't want any free time.

Song lyric of the day
"Your mind is perfect.
You tell me everyday.
Come down.
Take a look around.
Could you spare a moment of your time?"
Jibe -"Hypocrite"


Blogger Mike said...

Because this post was later in the day than mine, I am forced to assume that you stole the topic. And you stole my song lyric of the day this too. For shame. All I ask is a tiny little shoutout, but alas...

In all seriousness, I personally am opposed to decency in all its forms. What we need is a little more decadence.

Okay, that was a joke too. But seriously, this really is a pretty useless bill. It still needs to get past the Senate, which it probably won't. But it's amusing nonetheless.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

Also, be warned. I'm blogrolling you.

11:56 AM  

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