April 14, 2006

Another effort constructed while sleep deprived

Here's another one of my efforts crafted at 3:00am while medicated so if it's weak you know why.

"Some Reassembly Required"

I’ve lost my way so many times
That I don’t know where to turn
I’ve been shattered
Torn and tattered
And you’d one day I’d learn

I must respect my limitations
Not allow myself to stray
But alas I pushed the envelope
In a crumpled pile I lay

I cannot stay in pieces
Rebuilding from the ground
Drawing upon strengths of others
Whose inspiration I have found

I draw upon their courage
I draw upon their will
Their perseverance guides me
As shards pile on the sill

I rebuild all the fragments
My responsibilities the glue
I cannot let them down now
No matter what I do

Reconstructed inner strength
It’s time to move along
And to all of those who guide me
I leave to you this song


Blogger Mike said...

(begin sarcastic comment)
How about reassembling a list of gas can awards?
(end sarcastic comment)

Not sure if I mentioned it orally, so I figured I'd leave a comment here that I really like this. Particularly verses 3 and 5. Strikes me as a poem rather than a song (not that that's a bad thing, it's just when you're not used to being able to convey thoughts outside of song form you tend to read everything in verse form like song lyrics - and this rant is entirely irrelevant given that you never claimed it was a song anyway. Really, I'm just hanging around the office a little longer so they'll think I'm working harder than I am. I'll shut up now.)

3:41 PM  

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