February 14, 2006

Another offensive mascot?

I'm sorry guys. I can't make this stuff up. Approximately a month after the new Houston MLS franchise was named (the Houston 1836), there now appears to be a groundswell to have the name changed. As I heard originally on KTRH this afternoon, groups of outspoken Houstonian (mainly Mexican-American residents of of our fair city) have begun protesting the 1836, not because of its ridiculous nature, but because the year 1836 and references thereto are apparently offensive to those of Mexican heritage (or so it is being reported). Apparently some of the "logic" behind the protest is as follows:

While 1836 was the year Houston was founded, it was also the year of Texas independence from Mexico. Some resident view the name the 1836 also with its star logo with shadow profile of Sam Houston as celebrating the independence and therefore express anti-Mexican sentiments.

I will probably get negative comments for this, but if you are offended by the mention of a year 170 years in the past, I hereby donate my life because, as boring as it may be, it's still better than yours.

Yes the name needed to be changed; however, it wasn't because it offends people but because it sucked.

9 days until the Galveston journey.

More rants to come tomorrow.


Blogger Mike said...

I honestly don't know what to say to this. What's going to happen next? Will there be some Mexican kid in math class who solves a problem with the answer 1836 and sues the school? Or perhaps it will be a Native American and the number will be 1492. Or a German-American, with the number 1945. Or maybe even an Italian-American with 476. Jesus el savior Christ!

Not to mention, if you don't like the fact that Texas is independent of Mexico (for 170 years, no less), um, what are you doing living here? Er, there. :-P

Some people are so ridiculous I can hardly stand it. Except that it brightens my day with its sheer hilarity.

7:17 AM  

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